Doctors of BC SCC funds innovative BCCVH Vulvodynia Proposal!

Recently Dr. Melanie Altas, on behalf of the multidisciplinary team, submitted a funding proposal request to Chronic Pain Spreading Network. The proposal is entitled Supporting Community Health Care Providers to Treat and Support Vulvodynia Patients. The proposal was approved and the team will receive start up funds of $15, 000 to set up a working group. While the BCCVH has been running a successful vulvodynia treatment program for over 12 years – many eligible women can not participate due to multiple barriers. Women with vulvodynia need more accessible and convenient treatment options.

The goals of the working group will be to identify and/or develop resources that will support women with vulvodynia to pursue: (1) treatment within their own communities and (2) with the support of their primary health care provider. The planning group made up of specialists and community HCP will explore what resources: (1) currently exist; (2) can be adapted to vulvodynia patients and HCPs; and/ or (3) need to be developed from scratch. Further funding of up to $100,000 may be available to further support this project. Congratulations to the BCCVH team.