Drs. Lori Brotto and Gillian Hanley – Associate Co-Heads – Research

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Drs. Lori Brotto and Gillian Hanley to the position of Associate Co-Head – Research.  Drs. Brotto and Hanley take on this role as of 15 July 2024.  

This is an administrative leadership position within the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The incumbents are responsible for enhancing the vision and leadership in the full range of research conducted by the members of the Department as well as support the Head in delivering on the research mission.   

Their key responsibilities will be the development and implementation of strategic priorities and action plans for research,  develop and maintain a mechanism for evaluating research activities in the Department, establish a Research Committee with the mandate of fostering an effective, inclusive and supportive research environment, supporting department members to become nationally and internationally recognized leaders in basic, clinical, and translational research. In support of the new Departmental Strategic Plan, Drs Brotto and Hanley will be engaging with faculty at the distributed sites over the coming months to identify the research priorities and opportunities. Please watch for their invitation to engage.

Dr. Brotto is a Professor with the Division and Gynaecologic Specialties and Dr. Hanley is an Associate Professor with the Division of Gynaecologic Oncology. They are both CRC Tier 2 Chairs. Drs Brotto and Hanley will be starting their roles as we’re in the process of strategic planning and will be responsible for the research pillar.  

With this joint Associate Head, Research role, Drs Brotto and Hanley have a vision for making it easier for all department members, from early career researchers to clinicians with an appetite for research,  to participate in rigorous and cutting edge research in OBGYN. We look forward to hearing from you about any way we can help you achieve your research goals. Please feel free to approach either Dr. Hanley or Dr. Brotto with any research questions or needs.