The members of the General Division are committed to excellence in clinical care, continuing professional development, teaching and research in all aspects of women’s health. Our members are involved in patient safety initiatives, implementation of clinical guidelines and development of clinical pathways.
For a complete list of the Department’s programs, visit the Education section.
Undergraduate & Postgraduate
Our members are actively involved in all aspects of teaching undergraduate (medical students) and postgraduate (residents).
Continuing Professional Development
We believe in continuing professional development and implementation of nationally and internationally approved clinical guidelines. Mentorship is offered to our members who wish to offer new surgical procedures to their patients while maintaining the highest level of patient safety.
For a list of research areas in the Division, visit the Research by Division page.
There are many clinical projects underway.
Learn about some of the excellent clinical programs, academic programs, and services carried out by members of the Division of General Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
EPAC (Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic) at Women’s Health Centre (BCWH)
EPAC provides complete care for the woman with first trimester of pregnancy problems (bleeding, pain). The clinic provides comprehensive care including nursing support, gynaecology consultation and ultrasound, as well as medical (misoprostol) and surgical (curettage) interventions.
click here for more information click here to download EPAC Referral Form
Rapid Access Gynaecology Clinic at VGH
The Rapid Access Gynaecology clinic at the Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) is located in the Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre. The clinic provides access to patients in need of semi-urgent gynaecology consultation when referred by VGH Emergency. The goal is for patients to be seen within 24-48 hours of the referral. The clinic is open every afternoon and staffed by the gynaecology residents with the supervision of the gynaecologist on call.
Centre for Pelvic Floor Competence at St. Paul’s Hospital
Our Centre offers integrated care for women with pelvic floor disorders such as urinary and fecal incontinence, voiding difficulties and pelvic organ prolapse, as well as for women suffering from genital tract fistulae, vaginismus and pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and menopausal symptoms. Our team includes two subspecialist urogynaecologists with keen clinical and research interests as well as a nurse continence advisor, a fellow and a research assistant. We work in close collaboration with both colorectal surgeons and urologists at St. Paul’s Hospital. Please fax a referral letter along with relevant preliminary investigation results to Dr. Geoffrey Cundiff on 604-806-9189 and to Dr. Roxana Geoffrion on 604-806-9694.