
The current governance structure invokes a matrix organization with the first dimension of the matrix representing the Health Authorities. This recognizes the provincial mandate of the department by expanding the academic health care sites to represent the Health Authority in which they are located and adding the Health Authorities of the Distributed sites.  The Health Authorities are the first dimension of the matrix.

The second dimension of the matrix structure is the Divisions.  The Divisions cross all health authorities in recognition of our department’s and the divisions’ provincial mandate, as well as to engage sub specialists outside the lower mainland.

The third dimension is Education, which crosses all Divisions and Health Authorities.  The Education dimension includes the undergraduate and all postgraduate programs.

The governance structure helps the department engage faculty members at the distributed sites, and meet its responsibility to represent these physicians in departmental planning.

Department Head

Dr. Deborah Money

Associate Heads

Dr. Lori Brotto, Co-Head, Research

Dr. Gillian Hanley, Co-Head, Research

Dr. Jag Ubhi, Head, Education

Special Advisor to the Department Head

Dr. Robin Johnson, Indigenous Advisor

VCH Regional Head

Dr. Sarah Finlayson

Site and Health Authority Heads

Dr. Jason Burrows, Associate Head, Fraser Health Authority

Dr. Darren Lazare, Associate Head, Fraser Health Authority

Dr. Fariba Mohtashami, Site Head, SPH

Dr. Gavin Stuart, Interim Site Head, VGH

Dr. Marijo O'Dulio, Associate Head, Northern Health Authority

Dr. Hayley Bos, Associate Head, Vancouver Island Heath Authority

Dr. Julie van Schalkwyk, Site Head, BCWH

Division Heads

Dr. Catherine Allaire, Gynaecologic Specialties

Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwy, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI)

Dr. Sarah Finlayson, Co-Head,  Gynaecologic Oncology

Dr. Ken Lim, Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM)

Dr. Jessica McAlpine, Co-Head,  Gynaecologic Oncology

Dr. Fariba Mohtashami, General Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Educational Leaders

Dr. Catherine Allaire, Pain Fellowship Program Co-Director

Dr. Alex Beristain, WACH Co-Program Director

Dr. Chelsea Elwood, RID Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Hanna Ezzat, Postgraduate Program Director

Dr. Brian Fitzsimmons, Family Planning  Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Marketa Gogela, MD Undergraduate Program Director

Dr. Roxana Geoffrion, FPM Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Caroline Lee, Pain Fellowship Program Co-Director

Dr. Justin McGinnis, Gyne Onc Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Chris Ng, MD Undergraduate Associate Program Director.

Dr. Niamh Tallon, REI Fellowship Program Director

Dr. Alison Theile, MFM Fellowship Program

Dr. Paul Yong, Program Director RDS


Donna Bradley, HR Manager

Sharon Borja, Administrative Assistant

Yong Chen, Database, Information and Communications Manager

Jessie Dhillon, Research Manager

Farrell Louie, Finance Manager

Andi Martin, Administrative Director

Lygia Siqueira, Assistant HR Manager

Leah Solomon, Education Manager

Academic Day Planning Committee

Members: Chaired by Faculty Member with Research Manager and Divisional Representatives
Purpose: Development and approval of Academic Day curricula, planning of speakers, and financial accountability for the meeting.

CTAA (Clinical Teaching Allocation and Accountability)

Members: Committee comprises of Postgraduate Course Directors, Postgraduate staff and clinical faculty representation.
Purpose: Is responsible for clinical teaching and accountability.

Curriculum Credentialing Committee

Members: Chaired by Department Head with the Department Executive.
Purpose: Development and approval of continuing education curricula.

DA Boyes

Members: Chaired by the Department Head with the Department Executive and FoM CPD.
Purpose: Develop and approval of DA Boyes curricula, planning of speakers, and financial accountability for the meeting.

Department Executive

Members: Chaired by the Department Head with Division Heads, Education and Senior Administration
Purpose: To discuss ongoing issues that affect the Department and seek advise from senior department members on ongoing issues.

DARPT (Department Appointments, Re-appointments, Promotion and Tenure)

Members: Chaired by the Department Head, and is comprised of all academic faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor and several clinical faculty representatives.
Purpose: Responsible for reviewing and recommending appointments, reappointment, promotion and tenure for both academic and clinical faculty members.

OBGYN Finance Committee

Members: Chaired by the Department Head, includes Budget Officer and Administrative Director.
Purpose: Operational responsibility for budgeting, forecasting, and implementing financial decisions.

Fred Bryans Research Forum Planning Committee

Members: Chaired by the Research Manager from BCWH with divisional representatives.
Purpose: Development and approval of Fred Bryans Faculty Research Forum curricula, planning of speakers, and financial accountability for the meeting.

Research Advisory Committee

Members: Chaired by Assoc Head Research with Divisional representation.
Purpose: Advisory committee to the Department Head, to optimise planning and optimal implementation of research policy.

RTC (Residency Training Committee)

Members: Chaired by the Residency Program Director and includes the Department Head, Site Directors and Rotation Heads.
Purpose: Responsible for various topics related to the Residency Program. These topics range from program policies and rotation/resident reviews to academics and finances.  The RTC is responsible for the planning and implementation of the specialty training of residents within the Department.

Research Advisory

Members: Chaired by the Research Manager with members from each Division.
Purpose: To discuss ongoing issues related to research.