How to Donate


The UBC Department has a broad mandate that spans providing excellent clinical care, teaching future generations, and creating new evidence that will optimize the care of women. Parts of this mission are funded through University and Provincial resources, while the majority of our research agenda is funded by competitive grants. However, these sources are inadequate to create truly innovative clinical, educational, and investigational programs.

We depend on the generosity of our supporters to meet the gap. The donations to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology help us succeed in educating top students and pursuing new knowledge and innovation to provide optimum health for the women of BC.

We encourage you to consider giving to the Department’s mission. There are many different efforts that can benefit from your generosity. Each of the funds below are dedicated to specific aspects of our mission. Your donations allow us to continue to be leaders in our field by giving our faculty and students opportunities that, without your help, would not be possible.

We realize that putting family through school and providing a solid footing for them is your priority. But not all donations have to be money. If you are a grateful patient, and want to share your story with the larger community, we would love to hear from you.

And not all donations need to be paid now. If you are not in a position to give now, there are ways for you to consider the Department in the future. “Legacy giving”, also known as “Planned giving” is a means to support charities that enables donors to make significant gifts either in their lifetime or at death, as part of their overall financial and estate planning. We can facilitate gifts through legacy giving through a variety of mechanisms, including bequests, gifts of securities, RRSPs, or RRIFs, charitable remainder trusts, and many others that may offer tax advantages.

Gifts in Wills or Trusts

To leave a gift in your will, your attorney or notary prepares a new will or modifies your existing Will. You can leave a specific bequest (a specific dollar amount or piece of property) or a Residual Bequest (all or a portion of your estate after debts, taxes, expenses, and other specific bequests).

Gifts of RRSPs, RRIFs, and Pension Plans

Naming the Department as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF, or pension plan means a portion of these assets are left to the Department without passing through your estate. In most cases, the taxes owing on your donated RRSPs, or RRIFs, are offset by the charitable tax credits from the donation. These donations are a great way to reduce the deferred tax burden of many RRSPs and RRIFs.

Future Gifts with Tax Benefits Now

You can make a life insurance gift by donating an existing policy, by transferring ownership of a policy, by establishing a new policy with the Department as the owner and beneficiary, or by naming the department as the beneficiary of your policy.

If you are interested in discussing Legacy Giving more please contact the OBGYN Administrative Director or call 604 806 9077.