Clinical Faculty Affairs

Clinical Faculty members are crucial to the Department’s vision: Advancing excellence in women’s health. They teach and inspire our learners and are the role models for the next generation of healthcare professionals. They often also make significant contributions in administration, professional development, and translational and clinical research.

The Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology currently has more than 200 clinical faculty members. The Department has put together the below Orientation Guide to help you navigate your first few months with the Department.  However, you have any questions please feel free to contact the Administrative Director in the first instance.

There are many benefits to being a clinical faculty member please review this page for further information.

Resources for current clinical faculty members can be found on the Faculty of Medicine Clinical Affairs website.

You will find the Faculty of Medicine Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments here.

New clinical faculty appointments are considered on a bi-monthly basis from October to June. Applications are accepted year-round.

It is our Department policy to only provide clinical faculty appointments to physicians who are active staff with privileges at a site.  We do not ordinarily provide appointments to locums covering for a department member.

To apply for a clinical faculty appointment, please:

  1. Review the Faculty of Medicine Clinical Faculty Affairs site, including the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments and Compensation Terms.
  2. Complete the Application for Clinical Faculty Appointment Oct 2020.
  3. Complete the Payment Instruction Form.
  4. Complete the Electronic Funds Transfer Form so that payment can be made directly to your bank. Please note that you need your bank to authorise this.  For more information please click on Electronic Funds Transfer - Helpful Hints.
  5. Curriculum vitae (any format) - preferred but not required for the rank of Clinical Instructor.

Please note: Applications will not be presented at the appointments committee until ALL documents have been received by the Department.  Any delay may result in you being unable to teach or your teaching payments being delayed.  

If you are applying for a rank above Clinical Instructor, please also provide:

  1. Curriculum vitae (UBC format only).  The Department can help you with this. Please click on  CVs here for more information.
  2. Letter to the Committee, justifying your candidacy for a specific rank, based on the criteria outlined in the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments
  3. Teaching evaluations and summary of teaching activities
  4. Any other relevant documentation to support your case

If you are are a locum please also include a letter to the committee outlining your teaching experience, locum assignments in place and your teaching responsibilities.

Please send completed paperwork to the HR Assistant, Sharon Borja.  Feel free to scan and email these.

Clinical faculty promotions are considered on a bi-monthly basis from October to June. Applications are accepted year-round.

General guidelines on timeframe and eligibility for promotion can be found here.

Please discuss your plan to apply for promotion with your Division Head prior to submitting the paperwork.

To apply for promotion, please provide the following:

  1. Curriculum vitae (UBC format only). The Department can help you with this. Please click on CVs here for more information.
  2. Letter to the Committee, justifying your candidacy for a specific rank, based on the criteria outlined in the Policy on Clinical Faculty Appointments
  3. Teaching evaluations and summary of teaching activities
  4. Any other relevant documentation to support your case

Please send completed paperwork to the HR Assistant, Sharon Borja. Feel free to scan and email these.  Please let Sharon know that you have discussed this with your Division Head and have their support.

Clinical faculty reappointments for your UBC appointment are considered in the spring of each year.  At that time you will be contacted by the administrator for your Division to set up a meeting with the Division Head. At that time you will be sent the documentation you will need to complete for the meeting along with an invoice for your Annual UBC Dues.

Any questions related to your UBC reappointment should be sent to the HR Assistant, Sharon Borja.

This process should not be confused with your hospital reappointment.  That is done through the Site Heads and will be coordinated by their staff.  The documentation you need to provide will be sent out by their office and the offices of the Health Authorities you work in.  For further information on this process please contact your appropriate Site Head.

The Department has developed a CV database so that you can maintain your information there and pull reports in the UBC CV Format for reappointments and promotions.

If you do utilise the database please ensure that the information is up to date.  Your divisional admin support will be able to help you with that by pulling your current CV for you to review.

If you do not yet use the database you can provide an electronic copy of your CV to your divisional admin support they will be able to create your CV in the database.

The login please go to this link and you can use for the Education Database can be used for the CV Database.

As a Clinical Faculty member you may be eligible to be compensated for your teaching contributions and your committee attendance.  In order for this to happen we need to track all undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and any committees you are a member of.  Even if you are not eligible for compensation we want to track your contributions so that this record can be used for reappointment and promotion. You can review the Compensation Terms here.

Undergraduate Teaching

The Teaching Tracking and Payment System (TTPS) is a new, province-wide system, which the Faculty of Medicine will use to document the teaching contributions of Clinical Faculty who teach in the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP). This system will enable improved administrative processes for managing Clinical Faculty information and payments.

TTPS will provide quarterly teaching statements for Clinical Faculty who teach in the MDUP. These statements will:

  • Detail teaching activities and payment amounts (when eligible);
  • Allow Clinical Faculty to review teaching activities and identify any inaccuracies; and
  • Provide a record of teaching contributions that can be used for reappointment, promotion and other recognition opportunities.

This teaching is tracked on your behalf using the undergraduate scheduled by the Departmental Undergraduate Staff.  If the schedules are not updated correctly then the teaching and payments will not be correct.  So it is important that if you are subbing in or someone is subbing in for you that you let the office know. Please contact Jasmine Wong in the OBGYN Undergraduate Office or call 604 875 2424 Ext 5810.

Postgraduate Teaching

This teaching is tracked through our Departmental Education Database.  You can have your MOA sign in as you to input both your teaching and committee attendance.  Here is a link to the database.  You should receive login details at the time of your initial appointment but if you do not have these please contact the HR Assistant, Sharon Borja.

You will receive payment for your postgraduate teaching once per year at fiscal year end.  You will also receive a letter outlining your contributions. Please review and if it is incorrect contact Scott Lewis.

If you need to update your payee details please contact Sharon Borja.

Please review the Clinical Faculty Compensation Terms - Standing Committees document for payment.

The committees that you will be eligible to be paid for are:

Department Executive
RPC for Residency, MFM Fellowship, REI Fellowship & Gyne Onc Fellowship

The Department holds multi-disciplinary rounds that can be attended in person, at one of our main sites or from home.  You will find further information on the topics, dates and how to attend in either person or remotely here. There is a quick link on the front page of our website at the right hand side.

We also record most rounds and they can be viewed at a later date – it is called Video on Demand.  To login click here.  You will need a password (obgynrounds) to access these and that is included in your welcome email.

The Department strives to provide continuing medical education that helps those in the medical  field maintain competence and learn about new and developing areas of their field.

These activities may take place as live events, written publications, online programs, audio, video, or other electronic media.

Content for these programs is developed, reviewed, and delivered by faculty who are experts in their individual clinical areas.

You can review the various programs run by the Department here.

UBC CPD have developed a number of courses for both new and seasoned faculty members.

An Introductory Resource to orient new clinical faculty to the Faculty of Medicine

Fundamental training for new faculty teaching with patient care

Inclusivity in the Learning Environment module

Inclusive Language Guide

FAQ on Teacher Assessment by Learner

We want to promote your successes with the Department and the wider community. If you have a news story you would like to share with us that we can include on the front page of our website please click here.  There is also a quick link on the front page of our website at the right hand side.

The Department has developed guidelines on a number of matters and have archived them here for your convenience.  Please visit this link for guidelines on a variety of topics including faculty hiring, volunteers, locums and faculty dues.

At UBC, we strive to provide a safe, respectful and productive work environment for our faculty, staff and student employees. The Respectful Environment Statement sets out the expectations of everyone who is a member of the UBC community in this regard.

As part of this on boarding you are required to complete an online bully & harassment course. It is quite short but this is required of everyone who has an appointment at UBC.

Please see our Departmental guidelines on Bullying and Harassment here.

For more information on UBC Policy and the definitions of bullying and harassment click here.

Privileged obstetrician gynaecologists at a Vancouver Coastal Health Site who are seeking short-term contract physicians to cover their practice are encouraged to pursue candidates from the VCH Locum Pool. The structured central process will ensure the highest quality physicians with specific privileges that are easily transferable throughout the region. Successful applicants to the Locum Pool will be listed and posted on the Departmental Web site under Locum Pool (password protected). If you are hiring a locum to cover your practice please ask them to contact the Department.  They will need a Clinical Faculty appointment in order to teach and to be be paid for the teaching.

Information sharing is so common today that it is understandable for people to become complacent about privacy and information security. Yet, everyone has the right to expect their personal information to remain safe and secure.

At UBC, we are responsible for substantial amounts of personal information about students, faculty, staff, alumni, and donors. Protecting this information is everyone's responsibility.

By taking the first simple steps to stay secure, you can make a big impact on privacy and information security, both at home and at UBC.

Privacy and Information Security – Fundamentals training is now a mandatory requirement for faculty, staff, researchers, student employees and contractors who use UBC Electronic Information and Systems. Visit our Training page for more information.

UBC is committed to fairness in employment opportunity. Accordingly, UBC initiated an Employment Equity program based on guidelines established by the federal government. UBC’s Employment Equity measures include the removal of barriers to selection, promotion and training of members of the designated groups.

UBC’s Policy on Employment Equity was approved by the Board of Governors in November 1990 and upholds the principles of individual merit and achievement to ensure that selection, training, and promotion decisions are based on how well an individual’s skills, knowledge and experience match specific job performance criteria.

Employment Equity does not encourage or require hiring according to quotas or hiring unqualified or less well-qualified applicants. Instead, it works to increase the range of applicants to reflect all those — including women, Aboriginal people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities — who are qualified candidates. Thus, it helps identify and remove barriers that prevent the full participation of members of designated groups in the workforce.

For those of you unfamiliar, One45 is UBC Faculty of Medicine’s Evaluation and Trainee Rotation Placement Management System.

If you wish a login for One45 please contact the Program Assistant for the relevant program.

Teachers who are going for promotion, re-appointment, tenure or awards and would like to ensure that they are assessed, should self identify by filling out the assessment request formprior to the start of the term or educational activity that they are teaching in.

Reports will be made available to faculty electronically via one45 usually twice a year, provided that they have been assessed by 5 or more learners. Depending on the program year, reporting will occur either after each term, or half way through the academic year and at the end of the academic year.

Aside from the regular feedback that teachers will receive bi-annually, more extensive historical report requests can be submitted by filling out the report request form. These are for teachers who are going for promotion, re-appointment, tenure or awards and require a multiple year history of their assessments by students.

Each year the Department requests that all Faculty members pay UBC Faculty Dues. These funds to towards supporting three major events sponsored by the department including Resident’s Day, Academic Day, and the Season Celebration.   The current fees are as follows:

Vancouver and Fraser Faculty - $375
All other Faculty - $75
Scientists - $75

These dues are not to be confused with Hospital dues.  Hospital dues are paid to the appropriate hospitals to support different initiatives.

For further information on UBC Faculty Dues please contact Andi Martin. For further information on Hospital Dues please contact your Site Head.

To apply for a faculty appointment please contact the HR Assistant, HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

To check on the status of a faculty appointment please contact the HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

For assistance with your Campus Wide Login (CWL) please contact the HR Assistant, HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

For assistance with your Education Database Login please contact the HR Assistant, HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

To update your personal information please contact the HR Assistant, HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

Sign up for direct deposit please contact the HR Assistant, HR Assistant, Sharon Borja

Sign up for undergraduate teaching please contact Jasmine Wong in the OBGYN Undergraduate Office or call 604 875 2424 Ext 5810.

Inform us of changes to your undergraduate teaching please contact Jasmine Wong in the OBGYN Undergraduate Office or call 604 875 2424 Ext 5810.

Query a teaching statement please contact Jasmine Wong in the OBGYN Undergraduate Office or call 604 875 2424 Ext 5810.

If you are looking for help with something else please click on our OBGYN Admin Contact List for assistance.