Our 15th annual Academic Day was held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at the Chan Auditorium in the Child and Family Research Institute. Fourteen trainees had the opportunity to present their work as a paper presentation, and there was a record-breaking 12 poster presentations! Faculty abstracts were displayed to showcase the research done in 2014 by the department faculty.
The invited guest speaker was Professor Iain McNeish, Gynaecologic Oncology, Wolfson Wohl Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, who gave an enlightening presentation on “Why Translational Research Matters in Gynaecologic Cancers”.
Academic Day Awards
Dr. Leanne Dahlgren presented the awards to the 2015 Academic Day Best Student Presentations. Our congratulations to the following recipients for sharing their research!
Best clinical paper presentation – Dr Chelsea Elwood Best scientific paper presentation – Magda Price
Best clinical poster presentation – Dr Caitlin Dunne Best scientific poster presentation – Mahroo Aghababaei
Teaching Awards
Dr. Geoffrey Cundiff presented the teaching awards to the 2015 winners. Our congratulations to the following recipients for being honoured!
Mike Turko Surgical Teaching – Dr. Catherine Allaire CREOG Resident Teaching – Dr. Mohamed Bedaiwy
Undergraduate Teaching – Dr. Hanna Ezzat APGO Teaching – Dr. Sarah Finlayson
We would like to thank our sponsors this year for their very generous support! The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Actavis, Astro-Zeneca, Hoffman-LaRoche, Women’s Health Research Institute, and the Child and Family Research Institute Research Education.
Congratulations to our winners of a 4GB memory stick – Sylvia Bamford, Debra Millar, and Siyuan Xiong. All they had to do was fill out an evaluation form and hand it in at the end of the day!