BC Women’s Research Rounds featuring Dr. Linda Eckert | April 19th, 2024

Title: Braiding Together Evidence, Equity, and Advocacy for Cervical Cancer Prevention

Presenter: Dr. Linda Eckert

When: Friday April 19, 2024, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. PST 

Location: Hybrid Rounds, Zoom & SHY D308, 4500 Oak St (enter through entrance #77, take the elevators to the 3rd floor, turn right, the room will be on your RIGHT side).

Join via Zoom:
Go to https://ubc.zoom.us/ and click on ‘Join a Meeting’.
Enter the Meeting ID: 91128 854418
Enter the passcode: 854418

More details on the WHRI Events page.

Dr. Eckert is also doing a Book Reading at Upstart + Crow on April 18th

Title: “Enough: Because We Can Stop Cervical Cancer,” A Book Launch

When: Thursday April 18th, 2024, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Location: 1387 Railspur Alley, Granville Island

Register: Get Your Tickets Here