Dr. Bo Peng selected by the Scientific Program Committee of American Society of Reproductive Medicine “In-Training Award for Research”

Dr. Bo Peng is a postdoctoral fellow in our laboratory since December 2014, and his work in the lab covers numerous aspects in the field of female reproductive health such as ectopic pregnancy and endometriosis. He extensively studied the paracrine and autocrine regulation of nerve growth in endometriotic tissues, and notably, he pioneered established a primary trophoblast cell model from the ectopic placenta which has been used to investigate the novel concept of treatment of ectopic pregnancy with GnRH antagonists. His works in our labratory have been published in high impact journals in the field of reproductive medicine such as Fertility & Sterility and Reproductive Sciences.

Recently, in recognition of his outstanding research, his abstract “The role of GnRH Antagonists in a Novel Primary Ectopic Cell Model” has been selected by the Scientific Program Committee of American Society of Reproductive Medicine “In-Training Award for Research” (Best Basic Science Prize In-Training). ” He completed this project under the direct supervision of Dr Mohamed A Bedaiwy.