Regina Renner
Clinical Professor
Division of General Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Division of Gynaecologic Specialties
Island Health Authority (VIHA)
Nanaimo Regional General
Regina-Maria Renner is a Clinical Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of UBC where she first joined in December 2012. She was the Fellowship Co-Director of the Family Planning Fellowship at UBC 2015-2020. In March 2013 she also joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. She has held multiple leadership roles in Island Health since 2016 including being Medical Lead for Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital and the Division head for Obstetrics and Gynecology for Central and North of Vancouver Island.
She completed her Family Planning Fellowship at Oregon Health & Science University, OR USA (OHSU, 2011), where she also did her residency. She completed a Master of Public Health at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, USA (2005). In 2018 she completed a certificate in quality improvement.
She has been a member of the Contraception and Abortion Research Team since 2011. Her recent research has focused on abortion access in Canada including the implementation of mifepristone for medical abortion and she currently is the principal investigator on a CIHR grant to complete a national survey of abortion providers in Canada. Her prior research in pain management of first trimester surgical abortion has led to a Cochrane review and several randomized controlled trials on this topic. Additional research of Dr. Renner has focused on midlevel providers in abortion care, youth and abortion care, pregnancies with an IUD in situ, and IUD efficacy.
2016 – ongoing Faculty supervisor for the Family Planning Fellows
2013 – ongoing Faculty supervisor for 4th year medical students during their Obstetrics and Gynaecology elective
2012 – ongoing Faculty supervisor for Nanaimo based UBC Family Practice residents
2012 – ongoing Faculty supervisor for UBC Obstetrics and Gynecology residents on their surgical rotation at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital
Research Interests/Skills
Her recent research has focused on in implementation of mifepristone for medical abortion in Canada.
Her prior research in pain management of first trimester surgical abortion has led to a Cochrane review and several randomized controlled trials on this topic. Additional research of Dr. Renner has focused on midlevel providers in abortion care, youth and abortion care, pregnancies with an IUD in situ, and IUD efficacy.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grants: The Canadian Surgical and Medical Abortion Provider Survey (CAPS) 2019/01 – 2023/01 R Renner, M Wagner, E Guilbert, W Norman