Welcome New PGY1s to UBC Obstetrics & Gynaecology Residency Program

On behalf of Dr. Jagdeep Ubhi, Residency Program Director, I am pleased to announce the new PGY1 residents in the UBC Obstetrics & Gynaecology residency program for the 2016/17 academic year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the CaRMS interview process.  This fantastic match  would not have been possible without your help.

Please join us in welcoming these new residents!

Johnson, Geoff

Geoff Johnson

Tara Justice

Tara Justice

Amrita Pooni

Amrita Pooni

Natasha Simula

Natasha Simula

Kimberly Stewart

Kimberly Stewart

Pretty Verma

Pretty Verma

Chelsie Warshafsky

Chelsie Warshafsky

Lauren Whitehead

Lauren Whitehead

Last name First name Medical school
Johnson Geoff UBC
Justice Tara Toronto
Pooni Amrita UBC
Simula Natasha UBC
Stewart Kimberly Toronto
Verma Pretty UBC
Whitehead Lauren UBC
Warshafsky Chelsie Queen’s