
Zoom allows you to join live Grand Rounds found in the BC Rounds Calendar from any internet-enabled location using your laptop/phone/tablet.

Please click on BC Grand Rounds Calendar and go to the relevant month.  All OBGYN rounds have a pink circle beside them.  You can also filter just for OBGYN by clicking on the Select Area of Focus – from here you can tick just OBGYN or OBGYN and other Departments of interest (just click in the tick boxes for each one).  You can also view rounds by week or by month by selecting the relevant buttons.

In order to claim your CME credits you will be required to complete the Evaluation Form that you can find when you click on the session information. You must do this DIRECTLY AFTER the session in order to qualify for the credits for a particular session.  

How do I use Zoom?

Download the APP – For Apple iOS Users:

Download and install the Zoom App from the App store then follow the instructions in the link below

Getting started with iOS

Download the APP – For Android OS Users:

Download and install the Zoom app from the Google Play store then follow the instructions in the link below:

Getting started with Android OS

You will need to connect using a laptop/desktop or mobile device.

Here is a list of recommended guidelines for participating in a Zoom Meeting.

Tips and Tricks

  • Test your connection 15 minutes or so in advance of the session.
  • Use a wired internet connection.
  • Use a headset with a noise-canceling microphone.
  • Use a web camera.
  • If you cannot install the Zoom app you can still join a meeting via the web.  Click the “join from your browser” link.  Note: you are unable to host a meeting this way.
  • Utilise the chat and Q&A functions during large meetings.

Additional Resources

Quick Guides

Joining OBGYN Rounds Using Zoom

Hosting OBGYN Rounds Using Zoom

Video Tutorials

How to join a meeting – https://youtu.be/hIkCmbvAHQQ

Meeting Controls (mute/unmute etc) https://youtu.be/ygZ96J_z4AY

Sharing your screen https://youtu.be/YA6SGQlVmcA

Support Availability

If you encounter issues using Zoom,  you may call the MedIT Service Desk for remote assistance during normal business hours.

Note: The MedIT Service Desk may not be able to resolve all issues. Zoom uses software that relies on the means by which it is connected to the internet and the computer on which it is installed.

Also, the flexibility afforded by Zoom means that users will be in various locations. Therefore, technicians will not be dispatched to support Zoom users. Further, support can only be offered to users who have been provided a computer through their respective universities; the MedIT Service Desk is unable to support home computers.

Contact the MedIT Service Desk
The MedIT Service Desk is your first point of contact for all Faculty of Medicine information technology service requests including VC technical assistance.

Phone: 1.877.266.0666
Email: medit.servicedesk@ubc.ca
Hours: 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday