Entrada Quick Start Guide for Faculty
- Entrada is the daily, low stakes evaluation system used in CBME
- Guide provides information on how to access and use the system
CBD (Competence By Design)
Overview of Obstetrics & Gynaecology EPAs
- List of Entrustable Professional Activities and milestones for the 4 stages (formerly PGY) of residency training that are required to be completed by graduation
- A milestone is an observable marker of an individual’s ability along a developmental continuum. An EPA is a task of the discipline. Each EPA integrates multiple CanMEDS milestones as multiple abilities are used simultaneously when performing professional activities (e.g. medical expertise and communication skills)
CBME Tips for Clinical Faculty
EPA Resident Map
- Providing routine prenatal care to a low-risk, healthy population.
- Performing assessments of antenatal fetal well-being.
- Assessing and providing initial management for patients with common obstetric presentations.
- Managing labour and childbirth.
- Performing uncomplicated cesarean sections with a skilled assistant.
- Providing early postpartum care.
- Providing consultation and initial management for patients with urgent and emergent gynecologic presentations.
- Counselling and management for patients requiring family planning.
- Providing consultation for patients with gynecologic conditions.
- Performing minor gynecologic operative procedures.
- Providing preconception and antenatal care to women with high risk pregnancies.
- Managing patients with acute conditions presenting in the antenatal and perinatal period.
- Managing complex vaginal deliveries.
- Performing complex cesarean sections.
- Diagnosing and managing post-partum complications.
- Performing obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound.
- Providing definitive management for patients with acute gynecologic emergencies.
- Providing care for patients with complex gynecologic conditions and/or medical comorbidities.
- Assessing and initiating management for patients with reproductive challenges.
- Diagnosing and managing pediatric and adolescent patients with common gynecologic conditions.
- Providing care for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Assessing, diagnosing and managing patients with chronic pelvic pain and sexual health concerns.
- Assessing and managing patients with gynecologic malignancies.
- Performing advanced hysteroscopy.
- Performing major vaginal and vulvar procedures.
- Performing major laparoscopic gynecologic procedures.
- Performing major open abdominal gynecologic procedures.
- Managing patients with surgical complications.
- Managing the birthing unit.