
What to do if you experience bullying or harassment:

Health and Wellness

UBC strongly recommends that all domestic and international students have basic and extended health insurance for the full duration of your studies.

  • The BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) provides basic medical benefits. Everyone living in British Columbia for more than six months is required to enroll in MSP, except students with existing coverage from another Canadian province or territory.
    You can find more information on MSP for students here:
  • You will be automatically enrolled in the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan, which provides extended health and dental insurance. You can opt out of this plan if you are covered by another program. Full details on this program can be found here:
  • International students are required to register in the iMed program, which provides temporary health insurance to cover your eligibility period for MSP. You can find full details, including enrolment instructions, here:

Please visit for health, wellbeing, and safety resources for graduate students.

Financial Assistance

Needs-based funding is managed by UBC Enrolment Services.

Enrolment Services, Finances:

Each student has an assigned enrolment services advisor. You can find their information on the UBC SSC, under the Personal Information tab (UBC Contacts).

The UBC Bursary Program is available for domestic students experiencing a gap between their costs of living and their available funds (including student loans). For more details:

You may also be referred to the GSS Graduate Student Financial Aid fund (, but please note that in order to apply for these funds, you must be referred by a UBC office or department (ie. contact Enrolment Services first).